Monday, November 23, 2009


Guess what? It's me! I have been taking a break from blogging because it kinda felt like a job coming up with postings and I had other things I wanted to do. Such is life I guess. But now I have lots of ideas buzzing around in my head and the holiday season is upon us so you might be hearing from me more often this winter.

Anyway - This post is about my holiday gift from #1 Super Hubby! We always exchange gifts in November because it's easier to budget the rest of the shopping and we are never home for xmas anyway. You might remember that last year I got a new computer which I am using right now. This year I finally got living room chairs!

Backstory - When we moved to MD we had to downsize from a 3-level 2 bedroom 4! bathroom finished basement apartment to just about 800 square ft. in our current place. We got rid of a ton of furniture, books, kitchen appliances and junk. There is something to be said for pairing down to the essentials and I am glad we did it but I sure miss my washer and dryer and I did miss the living room chairs. They belonged to my parents first so they were worn out and looked rough but they were comfortable and served the purpose. We always planned on taking the opportunity to finally replace them when we moved. Then the recession happened and pay cuts and debt repayment and they became a very low priority.

This was finally the year and while they are modest chairs from Target they are mine and they are cute and they look so good in the room! Plus, Target furniture always means I get to assemble them myself which I actually love doing. Weird, I know but it's so cool to figure it out and put it together and feel like you really accomplished something.

Miss Gimp loved the chairs right from the start, she thinks they are her holiday gift. Which holiday? Festivus.

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