Saturday, April 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Stevie Marshmallow!

canyon2, originally uploaded by bethjc.

Yesterday was my Birthday but my older brother was born on the 19th exactly 3 years earlier.

While my birth cramped his style a bit, I always thought he was the coolest. He influenced my style choices and my music choices. He protected and helped me.

We conspired to annoy our mother with running commentary on all television programs and even some church services. He was really good at it and always cracked me up.

In junior high when my favorite band came to town (Duran Duran!!!) I tried to organize a groups of friends to go but it fell through. He made sure I had tickets and got to go with him and his friends. When I found out my "friends" were going, just not with me, my brother and his friends made me feel like I was still a cool chick. And it was an awesome concert.

He was my support when we both moved to Michigan and didn't know anyone. Then when I did have friends and he got his own apartment he even hosted my prom after party which of course gave me points for coolness.

I came to love the Smiths, the Cure, and New Wave because of him and therefore mostly avoided the pop Hell that was the 1980's.

He is very funny and smart and I love him.

Happy Birthday, Yo.


Connie said...

Hi Beth,
Pam sent me your Blog link and I have really enjoyed reading about you, Mark, and your life! I will check in every so often and see what you are up to. Your writing is very enjoyable!

Unknown said...

Beth - my mom sent me your blog, so now I'm going to harass you too. See what happens? You always get more than one Kinyon :)